Speaking English Like a Foreigner
Many foreigners who travel to the United States in search of green pastures have a travel perennial dilemma that often accompanies them on their journey: their foreign accent. Speaking English with a foreign accent opens the pandora's box to the whole problem, including the least inequality, as far as job opportunities are concerned, the general problem is not understood. Furthermore, it can be quite a blow to someone’s pride in learning that they can’t just speak English at the same level as a regular native speaker.
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Putting arrogance aside, it’s pretty easy to see why it would be difficult for a foreigner to try to speak English like an American puts an American in a foreigner’s shoes, usually several months or years of training before an American begins to speak it and Takes contact with foreign accents. This is because the first language we acquire in childhood is usually the unconscious basis on which we acquire other languages. So if you learn Chinese as a child and only learn English in school as a teenager or adult, for example, most of the time you All you have to do is use rhythm, touch and time when using Chinese English words, grammar and structure. What happens is that you may have a good vocabulary as well as a great vocabulary but since you are speaking with a distinctly foreign accent, people still do not fully understand you whenever you speak English.
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The truth of the matter is that accents aren’t something you just can’t learn magically or it’s not something you can instantly get rid of so that all that’s left is a neutral, American accent. The fact is that the pronunciation was actually learned even before the vocabulary, grammar and structure. Speaking with an American accent, therefore, is what you usually acquire as a child before you formally start learning English. In fact, if English is not your primary language, it takes about six months of pronunciation training before you can speak English with an American accent. This is because six months is just enough time to learn about the basics of your pronunciation and most importantly, the little thing about creating an American accent that you are not consciously aware of at the moment.
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So it goes without saying that if you go to the early childhood stage you are reading this article now but you may have difficulty gaining a new accent just by immersion or by being constantly exposed to it as an American accent used by local speakers. You can spend several years or even a decade in the United States, and if you still don’t consciously get rid of your foreign accent and start speaking like America, you may have an accent.
Fortunately, if you’re interested in learning how to speak English like Americans do, you don’t have to do it yourself. Nowadays, there are several pronunciation reduction classes and seminars across the United States each year. Often, these classes were created specifically for foreigners living in the United States
Sherry Summers, the creator and host of the American Accent Course, was once an American Accent Coach full time. Sherry has lived and worked in 3 different countries and once hosted more than 40 international students at her home in Seattle, Washington. He has taken the time to study the complexities of American accents as well as the problems that his students often face when trying to learn them.
Drawing on her vast experience in American accent training, Sherry soon began providing online class hosting and online resource materials to reach more people through offline class hosting alone. Her online programs, such as the American Accent audio course, earned her the nickname "The Pronunciation Queen."
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With her new program, American Accent Course, Sherry has decided to go completely online for her American Accent training efforts and now fills anyone who wants to learn American Accent without the comfort of home. C American Accent Course Comes in a complete package. The American Accent Course provides online classes, drills, downloadable resource materials, as well as real-time critiques for 1 to 1 coaching and guidance for students who feel they need more help with their students' pronunciation options. Combines audio, video as well as live conference calls.