Eight (8) inspirational writing elements

Eight (8) inspirational writing elements

Eight (8) inspirational writing elements

Why does one piece of copy resonate with readers and another falls flat in front of the face? Why does one sell the ad, the other fails to cut its cost? What makes a business different from a loser in the field of writing?

Answer ... persuasion!

So how do you write persuasively?

Not sure ... but a persuasive piece of writing often has eight features:

  1. It attracts attention
  2. It focuses on the reader
  3. It highlights the benefits of a product or service
  4. It shows why products or services are different
  5. It provides proof of excellence
  6. It shows the value for money
  7. It establishes the credibility of the business
  8. It urges the reader to take some action

[1] How to pay attention

If the copy you are trying to persuade the reader does not read your copy, no matter how persuasive it may be, it cannot do the job of persuading him or her to do anything. It would be commercially worthless.

There are plenty of ways to get your readers' attention.

General titles are best. Avoid subtle or clever headlines. Instead, continue the topic and make sure the title says an obvious advantage. For example: "Get rid of stinginess without using acid".

Appealing images like pictures, sketches and other drawings are always noticeable. These become irresistible when they become spicy in sexual abuse.

However a visual may be appropriate for the topic you are writing about or you run the copy which the reader will read the copy and reject your message.

Specific claims in the title or strapline will go beyond the usual vague claims and arouse interest.

For example, instead of "we'll help you claim your overpayment charges," a tax-consulting firm said, "Last year, we recovered 50,000 50,000,000 in overpaid taxes for our hard-working clients." The figure of 50 million attracts the attention of the reader because it is precise and believable.

Asking a provocative question will arouse interest. For example, "What does a French woman lack from other women?" Curiosity, if nothing else, will ensure that the next sentence is read.

Using current news in headlines or straplines can draw attention. Announcing something new or improved can also attract people.

[2] Why focus on your readers

Your readers are not really interested in you, your firm, your products or services. Their primary interest is their own ... Isn't their aspirations, problems, fears, hopes, needs and dreams true for all of us?

To be persuasive, your copy must address the preferences and needs of your readers. You can only do this if you are writing for a specific reader whose needs, behaviors, attitudes, characteristics and you understand ible

So how do you find what your readers need, attitudes and other features?

It’s relatively simple but it takes a bit of research and leg-work.

If you are addressing a specific industry, attend their trade shows and read a few issues of their trade magazines. You may also interview one or two members of the profession in person or by telephone.

To better understand your readers, you can join a few live focus group sessions or at least study transcripts. You can even go on sales calls with salesmen and women.

The better you feel for your readers, the easier it is to address their concerns about how they think and what they think.

There are several ways you can focus on your readers:

  • 'You' ... Address the reader directly using the pronoun 'you' is one of the most important marketing terms.
  • Write from your reader's point of view ... for example: "How to beat those cheap imports that keep you out of business."
  • Try using a copy that speaks directly to your reader's personality ... If you're promoting a DIY product, for example, address the housekeeper.

You don’t have to have a problem focusing on the reader and what he or she wants but you understand him or her.

[3] Why highlight benefits

Why would the reader take action without first knowing the benefits of what you want about him or her? All successful copies discuss benefits without failure.

When you’re writing a sales copy, your prospects are not just what the product is and what it can do, but how it can save them money or time, make them healthier, more attractive or fit, give them insight into the novel, train them further. That is, improve their lives.

Depending on the features of the facility. The degree to which you should discuss the benefits rather than the features will vary depending on the audience.

You should focus on your benefits with the general consumer and mention your features to ensure your prospects so that your product can deliver those benefits.

However, your features should be described in detail with professionals (such as engineers, physicians, accountants, lawyers, etc.). But to do this you assume that the expert will provide the features of the expert readers. So it is better to associate each feature with its benefits.

Discussing technical products or services in the copy makes the related fayo more believable by clearly explaining the features. For example, don’t just say that a feature provides more power; To be sure, you need to describe how it provides more energy.

[4] Show why you are different

This means measuring yourself against your competitors, whether consumer goods, products, industrial products, political messages or whatever.

In any supermarket, you will find basically different brands of different products for the same products (e.g., soap) and you should show that your product is different and better. This difference may be based on quality, material, packet size or price. There are many more criteria.

Companies that make products of sorts often distinguish themselves on the basis of invisible benefits such as skills or services.

For example, British Oxygen (before it became a member of The Linde Group in Germany) could not claim that its products (oxygen) were good (since one molecule of oxygen is the same as another) so they used the ability to combine oxygen to show how they could benefit their customers. With proprietary technology.

Your product or service can be claimed to be unique. U.S. publication IPO Insider claims that it is the only standalone investment analysis service suitable for assisting amateur investors. This makes it different from other IPO (initial public offering) information services that target professional investors.

Industrial manufacturers of intermediary products (i.e. part for a finished product) can differentiate their competitors by emphasizing issues such as reliability, guaranteed delivery time for manufacturers, superior servicing, replacement of defective products or other quality.

Competition between politicians and political parties at the time of elections provides case studies on inequality, each to prove the superiority of their proposed policy and why they should vote in office. Unfortunately, unlike most contractors, politicians are not required to guarantee their campaign promises with performance bonds.

[5] How to prove what you claim

Readers are a skeptical bunch, especially when you’re trying to sell any of their consumer products. Proof of the benefits you are creating and your product is unique.

The best way to prove your case is to show an optimal track record.

There are several ways you can create the perception that your product or service is successful in providing the benefits you are claiming. You can include in your copy:

  • Case history and success stories
  • Testimonials from satisfied customers
  • List of your customers or a selected list
  • You have achieved specific results for individual customers or groups of customers

For example, an investment advisory firm can prove its track record by showing its successful stock recommendations share name, purchase price at the time of recommendation, its percentage increase over a certain period of time, and the cash gains that can be made by the investor. -Presented in a simple readable table.

Addressing the British Oxygen Engineers, it proved that the products between its industrial gases blended correctly by explaining in technical terms how their weight and gases blend.

No matter what you do, don't be fooled ... all of these ways of proving your claim can be easily verified. Industry buyers usually do this but customers are less likely to be annoyed.

[6] How to display the value of money

If someone is not going to purchase your product or service if they think it has been overcharged. You should always show that you are giving good value for money.

There are four main ways to show that your value represents great value for money:

  • Compare the overall cost of ownership versus the cost of purchase
  • The price is 'bucket drop' compared to the proof
  • Compare your prices with the prices of more expensive products or services that do the same thing
  • Show daily expenses for the period that the product or service will be used

Corporate buyers are particularly concerned with the overall cost of ownership ... the total cost of purchases, operating costs, support and maintenance, repairs and reconstruction, and the expected lifespan.

When you compare the total cost between different suppliers for the same supplier or proprietary supply, you will see that the maximum total cost of ownership is presented with the cheapest price.

So, if your price is high, you should show that your offer is cheaper over time.

In the case of the money you have spent or saved, in many cases, your price is just a drop-in-the-bucket compared to the profit.

For example, a regulatory compliance advisory service may insist on potentially heavy costs of fines for non-compliance with health and safety or environmental regulations.

A seller of a training course may show that the cost of the course is only a bucket compared to the potential future earnings of his students.

You can also show the value of money by comparing your price with the price of a more expensive product that meets the same type of demand.

For example, if you sell a high-cost DIY (do it yourself) maintenance manual for equipment or IT products, you can compare the cost of the manual with the cost of maintenance by a service engineer.

You may find it more affordable to express the cost as a daily expense for the duration of the high-quality product or service that will be usable or effective.

For example, if you're selling home insurance and the cost is (say) € 350 a year, you could say that it costs less than a dollar a day to protect your family home ... which seems like a really good deal.

[7] How to establish business credibility

In the case of persuasive writing, your business story is probably the most important feature. Your reader is only interested in your company as it relates to your ability to bargain for your purchase.

How you establish your corporate credibility depends on where your company is in its life cycle. The credibility building strategy of a long-established organization will be much different than that of a new start-up.

For a long-established organization, when it was founded, its financial, humanitarian and technical resources, position and number of employees, sales statistics and annual income, patents, acquisition of technological innovations, awards and seals summary approval ... in other words, virtually that Anything can make it a joke without summarizing and copying .. In addition to the seal of approval and its size, the technological innovations

Of course, a start-up can't brag about any of these things. It needs to establish credibility by showing that it is ‘hot and hungry’. It focuses on its founders and key staff, demonstrates the quality of its sales, technical and management teams using potted biographies, and can best do this by explaining the fancy nature of its technology and business model.

[8] Call-to-action

All writers have an agenda, they want to do something with their writing. In the case of any move panacea, it can be as simple as trying to tell a good story. Or it can be as complicated as using a shoreline to point out something (usually an error) about society or the physical world.

In the world of commercial copyright, the goal is always to get the reader to take certain steps ... to buy a product or service, to change the reader's opinion, belief or attitude towards an organization and its products or services, etc.

However, your readers will not take the action you want if you do not request them ... This prompt is called call-to-action. To be effective, call-to-action must be specific:

... Buy Now ... For more information, visit our website at XXXXXXXXX ... YY.com ... Send an email to XXXXX @ 3yyy.com ... Visit our showroom ... for free guessing Request ... sign up for our newsletter ... vote for me ... etc

People usually can't do anything unless you specify the next step precisely and directly in your copy.

And your website needs to be structured in such a way that the button you buy right now is extremely easy to find. Each page should have at least one button. You should put a few buttons on a long page.


Without these eight features, it would be difficult to find a piece of persuasive writing. This does not mean, however, that they are all in the same proportions. Some features will prevail, others will be subordinate ... depending on the situation.

For example, high-profile companies like Apple Inc., Samsung Electronics, Foxconn, Dell Technologies and Microsoft do not need to prove their case and establish their credibility.

By comparison, in the absence of a track record, a technology start-up has to prove itself by emphasizing its products or services or how they differ from their competitors ... emphasizing different features than a mature company.

Still, all eight features need to be present to some degree in order to be inspiring in writing.

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