The never-ending sunset

The never-ending sunset

Rana. A 15-year-old who was never satisfied with herself, her environment or her life. He is a brilliant kid, well-graded, and fairly exceptional in sports that many like and accept in his modern-day society. His mind really made him special. His idea was that our minds made his own reality different from everyone else’s. That we saw the color and object separately and each had a different interpretation. Many thought he was foolish to think that way, his mind was far from where it should be. This dragged him into great confusion that he still would not be able to understand. He chased the sunset in his reality. Bright pink sky with a sun resembling an orange. When he entered his reality he believed that it was perfect. Sunset on a hill. As soon as the sunset he began to run, so as not to lose it. He would then appear in his public reality. Trying to find out which is real and which is fake.

Many are worried about him and the way he led this "fictional" way, but what really made it "fictional"? Its apparent reality was created by others and was not controlled by the eye. His reality was the complete opposite. He is based on his choice and control choice. In his apparent reality, he loved and loved but in reality, he could not share what was really together. What a mixture of sadness, negativity and happiness that made it a reality. He compares it to reality, which he describes only as happiness.

Luke was told by his parents that he had lost his head after spending a few hours dreaming about the reality in which he wanted to live or the reality in which he lived. Hard, later realized that the whole time was behind him. This left him confused about what reality was. Can anyone get lost in himself and never be found. Has Luke lost his real reality to a real reality? The sunset never sank into his reality above Luke and he never stayed out of his apparent reality. Luke became a reality that he dreamed of where he actually was.

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