Your presentation power is being recharged

Your presentation power is being recharged
Your presentation power is being recharged.

When have you jumped at the chance of any energy, when have you ever reached out before speaking of your favorite lecture, workshop or PowerPoint presentation? Maybe you've gone into instant panic mode or feel like you're bothering your audience, or wishing you could end it now. Well, you're not alone in being like us.

Still, here are the steps to recharge when your energy is most needed.

Recharge Step # 1: 

Take a deep breath for about 3-5 seconds to get your body and mind back to relaxation. This will release muscle tension in your voice to reduce monotonous noise or high weak pitch levels. "Okay, I got it!" Continue to breathe to replenish your voice tank with airpower while zoning your mind into focus! Breathing helps to disrupt your brain and it is the powerhouse of energy projections.

Recharge Step # 2: 

Smile! Yes, it really helps to keep your battery running low. Think of yourself as a race winner, a lottery winner, or a trip around the world. Any personal positive image you know will trigger your start button as you start your car. This will increase your glimpse to keep your audience interested.

Recharge Step # 3: 

Exhale. Transfer this new-found inner energy to your audience with animation and emotion. Walk around your space as you talk to your audience to show your strength with movement, excitement, and personal interaction. Feel the purpose of your message as it must now be shared with your audience.

Tell your story or example with sensitive effects and whether it’s serious, funny or mysterious, don’t be afraid to get everything out here. Enjoy your presentation as you move from one stage to another. An actor who acts without emotion never touches his audience. Okay, it's the same with the speaker.

I think I almost fell asleep at one point just before presenting to a 50-member audience. So, I knew I had to go into instant recharge mode. I removed my initial warmth to a new one that allowed me and the audience to move and communicate allowed I felt the energy and emotion that I was able to move forward in front of my audience.

Give them a boost the next time your presentation batteries are dying with these recharging steps. Here is your new refreshed voice power effect!

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